At Lockleys Primary School, we believe our students learn best when they are engaged in a learning environment that is safe, supportive and ensures that they develop a positive sense of self-worth and a desire to actively engage in learning. We acknowledge that students each have different learning needs and preferred learning styles and as such educators provide a learning programme that allows each individual to access learning at their level and that has clear learning intentions and success criteria.

Our curriculum delivery ensures that students have access to experiential learning, concrete activities and, group and independent learning activities are provided.  Our learning programme is based upon the Department for Education Guidelines and the Australian Curriculum. It is designed to teach students what it takes to be confident and creative individuals and become active and informed citizens. It sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life wherever they live in Australia and whatever school they attend. 

The Australian Curriculum is 3 dimensional – it includes learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities. 

Learning Areas 

Disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding are described in the eight learning areas of the Australian Curriculum:  

  • English 
  • Mathematics 
  • Science 
  • Health and Physical Education 
  • Humanities and Social Sciences 
  • The Arts 
  • Technologies 
  • Languages 

The latter four learning areas have been written to include multiple subjects, reflecting custom and practice in the discipline. In each learning area or subject, content descriptions specify what young people will learn, and achievement standards describe the depth of understanding and the sophistication of knowledge and skill expected of students at the end of each year level or band of years. 

General Capabilities

General capabilities are a key dimension of the Australian Curriculum, supporting young Australians to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. 

The Australian Curriculum includes seven general capabilities. These are: 

  • Literacy capability 
  • Numeracy capability 
  • Information and Communication Technology capability 
  • Critical and Creative Thinking capability 
  • Personal and Social capability 
  • Ethical Understanding capability 
  • Intercultural Understanding capability. 

In the Australian Curriculum, general capabilities are addressed through the learning areas and are identified where they offer opportunities to add depth and richness to student learning. 

Cross Curriculum Priorities

These are three key areas that need to be addressed for the benefit of individuals and Australia as a whole. In the Australian Curriculum, these have become priorities that give students the tools and language to engage with and better understand their world at a range of levels. The priorities provide national, regional and global dimensions which will enrich the curriculum through development of considered and focused content that fits naturally within learning areas. They enable the delivery of learning area content at the same time as developing knowledge, understanding and skills relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia and/or Sustainability. Incorporation of the priorities will encourage conversations between students, teachers and the wider community. 

The three cross curriculum priorities are: 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Histories and Culture 
  • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia 
  • Sustainability